Anti-cancer properties of green tea
It is impossible to talk about the idea of cancer prevention diet, and not to pay special attention to green tea. Far more than just a beverage, green tea has over the centuries become an integral part of the traditions of Asian countries, not only the gastronomic point of view but also in terms of prevention and treatment of disease.Unfortunately, as with other foods originating from Asia, which we presented in this book, green tea is still poorly known in the West, in the opinion of some, this difference has contributed to a pronounced gap between the rate of cancer in Asians and Westerners. As you will see from the text that follows, green tea is a great source of very strong anticancer molecules that make it one of the most important elements in a diet aimed at cancer prevention. To make things even better, this is a medicine tastes great!
Tea drinking is a complex consisting of several hundreds of different molecules that give it aroma, flavor and characteristic sourness. One third of the weight of tea tree leaf waste to one type of polyphenols called flavanols or catechins are more widespread and just as the molecules responsible for an anti-tumor potential of a green tea.
Like all other polyphenols, flavanols are complex molecules whose role in the physiology of plants is extremely important, because they have antifungal and antibacterial activity that it needs to resist the onslaught of a large number of pathogenic agents. Green tea contains many catechins, including EGCG and epigallocatechin-gallate, or the main flavanol in green tea, which has the strongest anti-cancer activity.
It is important that the composition of flavanols in green tea tremendously depending on the location of its breeding, the plants grown, the season of harvesting and processing procedures. In other words, just because the product label says it's green tea, does not mean that it necessarily contains large amounts of anticancer molecules. For example, when we analyzed several kinds of green tea, we noticed considerable variation in the content of EGCG, who is relieved by soaking sheets, and that Japanese green teas contain EGCG-far more than a Chinese.
Mention that the duration of soaking sheets in hot water is also extremely important factor for the content of polyphenols in tea, as the soaking of less than 5 minutes manages to release only 20% catechins, which would otherwise be able to get a soaking from 8 to 10 minutes. Thus, the average quality of tea, which leads to only spend a short time, can have up to 60 times less polyphenols from tea of excellent quality that is properly gotten me in hot water. It is understandable that these enormous differences can significantly affect the preventive potential in the fight against cancer that is associated with consumption of green tea.
Large differences in the content of green tea which people drink greatly complicates analysis of its anticarcinogenic action epidemiological research. Nevertheless, numerous studies conducted in recent years indicate a beneficial effect of green tea in cancer prevention, and to the effects seems to be slightly more pronounced in cases of cancer of the urinary bladder and prostate. He also observed the protective effect in the context of breast and stomach, but for now it still remains undefined because of the conflicting results obtained from different studies. It is likely that these differences are associated with large variations in the content of poly-phenols in green tea. New studies with the aim of clearly defining the anticarcinogenic potential of green tea because it will have to take into account the intake of tea due to the amount of polyphenols consumed instead of considering the amount of tea haggard.
While waiting for the results of such research, however, there are many good reasons to believe that drinking green tea can significantly reduce the risk of cancer. In vitro, EGCG prevents many activities of cancer cells, among which include leukemia, kidney cancer, skin, breast, prostate and mouth. This action is really important, because studies conducted on animals showed that green tea prevents the growth of many types of tumors caused by carcinogens, especially skin cancer, breast, lung, esophagus, stomach and colon. It seems that this protective effect is not limited to tumors induced by carcinogens, because addition of green tea daily diet of mice, which spontaneously develops prostate cancer greatly limits the growth of these tumors, in doses that achieved in humans regularly drinking green tea.
One of the ways that green tea contributes most to limit tumor growth is its very strong effect on the process of angiogenesis. Our research has shown that, among all previously identified molecules derived from food, the most powerful EGCG in blocking receptors for VEGF, a key element in initiating angiogenesis. It is interesting that it was blocking the receptors very quickly and requires only small concentrations of this molecule, which is easily achieved by drinking a few cups of green tea a day. Stop angiogenesis, therefore, is certainly the main mechanism by which green tea can help prevent cancer.
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