- Did you notice frequent changes of appetite?
- Do you wonder why sometimes you eat a lot, and occasionally a little?
- Do certain changes in your body means that you should change the diet?
Nutrition is part of the overall health of each of us.
In certain periods of life needs special attention regarding diet, as in the period of your life that we call adolescence or childhood. For many girls adolescence begins at 10 age, reaching a maximum around 12year and usually ends around 15 year.
During this important period of growth and development will meet with rapid and frequent changes in weight, body fat distribution, height, and even sudden changes in energy. Almost all of these changes can be caused by the type and diet. Try an experiment, write what you've eaten during the 24 hour period. Now classify foods in the milk and dairy products, the meat and eggs, fruits, vegetables, cereals, fats, sugar.
Check how much respect the following rules Meals (participation in installments):
- Fat and sugar - consume sparingly
- Milk, yogurt, cheese - to 3 servings
- Meat, chicken, eggs - in the 2-3 servings
- Vegetables - 3-5 servings
- Fruits - 2-4 servings
- Bread, cereals, pasta, rice - 6-7 servings
Of course, other food (pizza for example.) Can occasionally eat other foods instead contained in it (cheese, meat, vegetables, bread, ...) depending on the type of drink. These ingredients may contain fat. For specific questions about food you can talk to your doctor or parents. Occasionally, you'll eat a lot of food, and occasionally lose appetite for everything. But you must know that during this period, regardless of the above changes, you should pay attention to diet and try to fit into the above categories. This is the time to learn how to eat and gain as many healthy habits that will isplatiti.Veoma in life is making roads especially the young girls of this age to stop eating meat in the diet. There are many reasons for this decision: the concern for animals, the desire to show independence of thought, desire to lose weight ... Is that good? On the positive side is that the vegetarian diet represented a lot more fruits and vegetables and less sweets and salty junk food.
Nourish a healthy means eating a wide variety of foods, but eat in adequate amounts. When you eat healthy, you tend to feel better, you have a ton of energy and look better. If not now eat healthy and you want it to change, it is not necessary to do some dramatic changes, stop eating your favorite foods. Small changes can lead to significant results.
You've probably heard the old saying "you are what you eat."
Scientists and nutritionists are increasingly discovering that it is true!
A healthy diet helps you control your weight, gives you energy and keeps health (improved health). When you eat healthy you have enough energy, and you can enjoy many physical activities and sports.
A healthy diet gives you a nice appearance that comes only if you're healthy on the inside. Scientific tests confirm that a healthy diet might prevent a number of diseases that occur as a result of poor nutrition. That reduces the risk of:
- Heart Disease
- High blood pressure
- Stroke
- Diabetes
- Some carcinoma
- Osteoporosis
Certain foods reduces the risk of these diseases. Anti-oxidants, substances were found in certain fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of certain carcinoma, and fiber crops, such as oats., Fruits and vegetables lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Illnesses may result from improper diet
A number of diseases can be associated with the wrong diet. Many people eat excessive quantities of food, eat greasy food, a lot of salt and sugar and not enough fiber.
- Eating a lot of fatty foods and salt can increase the risk of heart disease as a fatty food increases the risk of some carcinoma
- Due to insufficient consumption of processed foods, fast food and hectic way of life many people are eating improper food, often with a lot of fat, sugar and salt with enough fiber
- Many people do not get enough vitamins and minerals to keep their bodies in good health and able to perform all activities, in particular the period of growth and formation requires a well-balanced diet
- Foods with lots of sugar and fat contain a lot of calories as the lack of exercise lead to weight gain
- Much sugar leads to tooth damage
- People who do not get enough fiber suffer from constipation and can develop colon karcionom
1 Enjoy a wide range of healthy food
2 Eat plenty of cereals
3 Eat less fat
4 Be physically active
5 Drink moderate amounts of alcohol
6 Avoid salt and salty food
7 Avoid sweets and sweet drinks
8 Eat foods rich in calcium
9 Eat foods that contain iron
10th Drink plenty of cool, fresh water throughout the day
Fats fall into makronutrijense with protein and carbohydrate hidratatima. They are part of our daily diet and have the highest energy value of all nutrients (1g of fat = 9 calories). Today, a diet rich in fats especially saturated fat is associated with the development of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and the emergence of certain forms of cancer (colon, prostate, breast, lung). More can be heard remark that we all love fat in their plates, but not on my body. Restriction of fat in the diet has turned into feto-hysteria in the West. The question is what is the right proportion of fat in caloric intake to nutritional needs are met, and when fat becomes dangerous to health?
Fat intake is moving in different populations at a rate of 15-40% or more of the total energy ingested food per day. Today it is estimated that the input of up to 30% optimal. Less than 20% is advised only for people who have very elevated blood lipids (dyslipidemia-elevated cholesterol and / or triglycerides). Lower fat intake of food is not recommended because then the food is delicious and requires large amounts of food in order to achieve a safe calorie intake.
Fats we need for essential fatty acids. These are linoleic acid, linolenic acid and arachidonic acid. They securing the growth and repair of cells. Particularly important for people in the period of growth.
However, that does not mean that children can be excessive intake of fat especially saturated fat (lard, fatty meats, butter) for prevention of these diseases can arise only if the food takes care of his early childhood.Essential fatty acids are important for regulation of cholesterol metabolism (transport, conversion to other metabolites, storage and excretion) are precursors for the synthesis of prostaglandins, thromboxane and prostacyclin (hormone-like substances).
The role of fat in the body
- Provides energy and energy reserves as a significant period of starvation and disease;
- The building blocks of matter because we are entering into the construction of cell membranes (phospholipids, essential fatty acids);
- These are the vital nutrients because they are carriers of vitamins A, D, E and K, and essential fatty acids.Maintain the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes securing the protection from the cold, trauma and radioactive radiation, maintain the function of the sebaceous glands and milk;
- The role of immunity (lipoproteins)
- The role of blood coagulation (thromboplastin);
- Fats in foods enhance the flavor and give satiety;
Sources of fat
Sources of fat can be of vegetable and animal origin. Lard, butter, cream, full-fat cheeses, meats, organ meats, fatty meats, dairy fat are the largest sources of fat in foods of animal origin. Vegetable fats are oils that are obtained by leaching plant seeds (corn, sunflower, soybean, olive).
There are several divisions of fat because they are a very heterogeneous group of chemical compounds:
Simple fat: a fatty acid glycerides (fatty acid + alcohol = monoglycerides glycerol, two fatty acids + glycerol alcohol make diglycerides and three fatty acids + glycerol consists of triglycerides or neutral fats that. Fats that consume the most nutrition;
Complex greases are phospholipids and lipoproteins;
Derived sterols (cholesterol and steroid hormones) and fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K).
Fatty acid
Fatty acids can be short (up to 6), medium (up to 12) and long chain (more than 12 carbon atoms in a row).Short-chain fatty acids are better absorbed (the use of parenteral nutrition, ie. Across the blood in people who can not bring food to the mouth), and liquid at room temperature. Long chain fatty acids are solid at room temperature and are more difficult to absorb.
The number of carbon atoms depends on the chain length and on whether each C atom bound to hydrogen or built with double connection depends on whether the fat is saturated or not.
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fats are those where each C atom attached to 4 carbon atoms. The most common are solid at room temperature and are relatively stable (not easily react with oxygen from the air). Saturated fatty acids are "guilty" of increasing cholesterol levels.
Sources of saturated fatty acids are:
- Animal food-red meat, liver, lungs, beef, lard, poultry meat (fat and shrimp), butter, milk, cheese and other dairy products that are made from whole milk. These foods also contain cholesterol.
- Foods of plant origin-coconut and palm oil, peanut butter.
Unsaturated fatty acids
Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids together form the unsaturated fatty acids.
The recommended daily intake of 10-15%
Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids
Unsaturated fatty acids have at least one unsaturated link, or at least a place where hydrogen can be added to a molecule. Most often found in liquid oils of vegetable origin.
Polyunsaturated oils are liquid at room temperature and in the cold (refrigerated). Easily oxidized in air.The best sources are sunflower, sesame, soybean and corn oil, nuts and seeds. Polyunsaturated fatty acids belong to the family of omega 3 and omega 6, depending on which C atom is the last double bond.
These include linoleic (omega 3) and linoleic (omega-6 fatty acid) and arachidonic. They belong to the essential (necessary in the diet because they can not be synthesized by the body and are needed for important functions). Arachidonic acid can be synthesized from linoleic, and is considered essential Optional (if enough linoleic will be manifested its deficit). Oleic can be synthesized from stearic acid is saturated.
Today, the omega-3 and omega-6 acids in the focus of scientific interest. As early as in 1970. was known to fishermen in Greenland, Alaska and Japan who eat oily fish from cold northern seas despite foods rich in fat or less suffer from cardiovascular disease. Previously it was thought that this is due to intake of omega 3 fatty acids, however the fish meat northern sea ice were found active metabolites of these acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) that increase the elasticity of blood vessels and inhibit platelet aggregation and have antiaritmicko effect. The mechanism of action is not fully understood, but is thought to be competitive linoleic linolenic swell with the delta desaturase enzyme which converts to DHA or EPA or arachidonic. If you have more arachidonic acid in the cell membrane creates thromboxanes, prostacyclins and leukokrerini acting unfavorably (narrowing of blood vessels vasoconstriction, increase platelet aggregation, etc.. Ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 before he was 1, 1, and today is 1: 25 should the ratio be 1:4 to 1:10. polinezsicenih role of fatty acids (especially linoleic l - 3 0Mega group is related to lower total and LDL cholesterol and / or trigliceridai and VLDL cholesterol particles in the liver and therefore has an important role prevent stroke and cardiovascular disease. Sources of omega 3 (linoleic acid): fish oil, fish from the northern seas, crab, flax seeds, green leafy vegetables and legumes. Sources of Omega 6 ie. linolenic acid is found in meat and vegetables and vegetable oils (sunflower, soybean, cotton seed) milk. They reduce cholesterol levels, and there was a widespread view that saturated fatty acids should be replaced by unsaturated. Later position revised as polyunsaturated fatty acids can act harmful if too many entries diet: reducing immunity carcinogenic effects, osteoporosis, cholelithiasis increased production of lipid peroxides and lower HDL cholesterol. daily recommended intake of polyunsaturated fat is now up to 10% (7-8%). Linoleic 1 g / day. Intake of omega 3 fatty acids in the form of capsules is not recommended. First DHA and EPA are not in them, and can appear dangerous bleeding (sprinkling of the blood vessels of the brain).
Monounsaturated oils are, also, liquid at room temperature, but refrigerate begin to thicken. Olive and avocado oil, peanut oil are rich sources of monounsaturated fatty acids.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids tend to protect the body from cholesterol. Lowers cholesterol levels and eliminate cholesterol deposits in the arteries. Recent studies indicate that monounsaturated fatty acids may, also, to lower blood cholesterol as long as diets low in saturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids can lower cholesterol, but of course, the food should not be completely ruled out saturated fatty acids. Poly and monounsaturated oils, and margarine from the oil, it should, in certain quantities replaced butter, lard (fat), toppings, sauces and fats that are saturated fatty acids.
Hydrogenated fats
When preparing food, fats can be subjected to the process of hydrogenation. Hydrogenation or addition of hydrogen, in the case of fatty acids means his translation of saturated fatty acids. Hydrogenation reduced the oxidative potential, ie. the air in less than rancidity occurs when liquid form.
Liquid oil, naturally rich in unsaturated fatty acids, various processes are translated into a more solid and saturated conditions. Such saturated conditions are found in many commercial products.
Many studies have shown that these fats increase blood cholesterol levels. Hydrogenated fats in margarine and other products are acceptable only if the product contains liquid oil as the main ingredient, while saturated fat must not contain more than 2 grams per tablespoon products. The fatty acid is usually prominent in many margarines.
- Do you wonder why sometimes you eat a lot, and occasionally a little?
- Do certain changes in your body means that you should change the diet?
Nutrition is part of the overall health of each of us.
In certain periods of life needs special attention regarding diet, as in the period of your life that we call adolescence or childhood. For many girls adolescence begins at 10 age, reaching a maximum around 12year and usually ends around 15 year.
During this important period of growth and development will meet with rapid and frequent changes in weight, body fat distribution, height, and even sudden changes in energy. Almost all of these changes can be caused by the type and diet. Try an experiment, write what you've eaten during the 24 hour period. Now classify foods in the milk and dairy products, the meat and eggs, fruits, vegetables, cereals, fats, sugar.
Check how much respect the following rules Meals (participation in installments):
- Fat and sugar - consume sparingly
- Milk, yogurt, cheese - to 3 servings
- Meat, chicken, eggs - in the 2-3 servings
- Vegetables - 3-5 servings
- Fruits - 2-4 servings
- Bread, cereals, pasta, rice - 6-7 servings
Of course, other food (pizza for example.) Can occasionally eat other foods instead contained in it (cheese, meat, vegetables, bread, ...) depending on the type of drink. These ingredients may contain fat. For specific questions about food you can talk to your doctor or parents. Occasionally, you'll eat a lot of food, and occasionally lose appetite for everything. But you must know that during this period, regardless of the above changes, you should pay attention to diet and try to fit into the above categories. This is the time to learn how to eat and gain as many healthy habits that will isplatiti.Veoma in life is making roads especially the young girls of this age to stop eating meat in the diet. There are many reasons for this decision: the concern for animals, the desire to show independence of thought, desire to lose weight ... Is that good? On the positive side is that the vegetarian diet represented a lot more fruits and vegetables and less sweets and salty junk food.
Nourish a healthy means eating a wide variety of foods, but eat in adequate amounts. When you eat healthy, you tend to feel better, you have a ton of energy and look better. If not now eat healthy and you want it to change, it is not necessary to do some dramatic changes, stop eating your favorite foods. Small changes can lead to significant results.
You've probably heard the old saying "you are what you eat."
Scientists and nutritionists are increasingly discovering that it is true!
A healthy diet helps you control your weight, gives you energy and keeps health (improved health). When you eat healthy you have enough energy, and you can enjoy many physical activities and sports.
A healthy diet gives you a nice appearance that comes only if you're healthy on the inside. Scientific tests confirm that a healthy diet might prevent a number of diseases that occur as a result of poor nutrition. That reduces the risk of:
- Heart Disease
- High blood pressure
- Stroke
- Diabetes
- Some carcinoma
- Osteoporosis
Certain foods reduces the risk of these diseases. Anti-oxidants, substances were found in certain fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of certain carcinoma, and fiber crops, such as oats., Fruits and vegetables lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Illnesses may result from improper diet
A number of diseases can be associated with the wrong diet. Many people eat excessive quantities of food, eat greasy food, a lot of salt and sugar and not enough fiber.
- Eating a lot of fatty foods and salt can increase the risk of heart disease as a fatty food increases the risk of some carcinoma
- Due to insufficient consumption of processed foods, fast food and hectic way of life many people are eating improper food, often with a lot of fat, sugar and salt with enough fiber
- Many people do not get enough vitamins and minerals to keep their bodies in good health and able to perform all activities, in particular the period of growth and formation requires a well-balanced diet
- Foods with lots of sugar and fat contain a lot of calories as the lack of exercise lead to weight gain
- Much sugar leads to tooth damage
- People who do not get enough fiber suffer from constipation and can develop colon karcionom
1 Enjoy a wide range of healthy food
2 Eat plenty of cereals
3 Eat less fat
4 Be physically active
5 Drink moderate amounts of alcohol
6 Avoid salt and salty food
7 Avoid sweets and sweet drinks
8 Eat foods rich in calcium
9 Eat foods that contain iron
10th Drink plenty of cool, fresh water throughout the day
Fats fall into makronutrijense with protein and carbohydrate hidratatima. They are part of our daily diet and have the highest energy value of all nutrients (1g of fat = 9 calories). Today, a diet rich in fats especially saturated fat is associated with the development of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and the emergence of certain forms of cancer (colon, prostate, breast, lung). More can be heard remark that we all love fat in their plates, but not on my body. Restriction of fat in the diet has turned into feto-hysteria in the West. The question is what is the right proportion of fat in caloric intake to nutritional needs are met, and when fat becomes dangerous to health?
Fat intake is moving in different populations at a rate of 15-40% or more of the total energy ingested food per day. Today it is estimated that the input of up to 30% optimal. Less than 20% is advised only for people who have very elevated blood lipids (dyslipidemia-elevated cholesterol and / or triglycerides). Lower fat intake of food is not recommended because then the food is delicious and requires large amounts of food in order to achieve a safe calorie intake.
Fats we need for essential fatty acids. These are linoleic acid, linolenic acid and arachidonic acid. They securing the growth and repair of cells. Particularly important for people in the period of growth.
However, that does not mean that children can be excessive intake of fat especially saturated fat (lard, fatty meats, butter) for prevention of these diseases can arise only if the food takes care of his early childhood.Essential fatty acids are important for regulation of cholesterol metabolism (transport, conversion to other metabolites, storage and excretion) are precursors for the synthesis of prostaglandins, thromboxane and prostacyclin (hormone-like substances).
The role of fat in the body
- Provides energy and energy reserves as a significant period of starvation and disease;
- The building blocks of matter because we are entering into the construction of cell membranes (phospholipids, essential fatty acids);
- These are the vital nutrients because they are carriers of vitamins A, D, E and K, and essential fatty acids.Maintain the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes securing the protection from the cold, trauma and radioactive radiation, maintain the function of the sebaceous glands and milk;
- The role of immunity (lipoproteins)
- The role of blood coagulation (thromboplastin);
- Fats in foods enhance the flavor and give satiety;
Sources of fat
Sources of fat can be of vegetable and animal origin. Lard, butter, cream, full-fat cheeses, meats, organ meats, fatty meats, dairy fat are the largest sources of fat in foods of animal origin. Vegetable fats are oils that are obtained by leaching plant seeds (corn, sunflower, soybean, olive).
There are several divisions of fat because they are a very heterogeneous group of chemical compounds:
Simple fat: a fatty acid glycerides (fatty acid + alcohol = monoglycerides glycerol, two fatty acids + glycerol alcohol make diglycerides and three fatty acids + glycerol consists of triglycerides or neutral fats that. Fats that consume the most nutrition;
Complex greases are phospholipids and lipoproteins;
Derived sterols (cholesterol and steroid hormones) and fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K).
Fatty acid
Fatty acids can be short (up to 6), medium (up to 12) and long chain (more than 12 carbon atoms in a row).Short-chain fatty acids are better absorbed (the use of parenteral nutrition, ie. Across the blood in people who can not bring food to the mouth), and liquid at room temperature. Long chain fatty acids are solid at room temperature and are more difficult to absorb.
The number of carbon atoms depends on the chain length and on whether each C atom bound to hydrogen or built with double connection depends on whether the fat is saturated or not.
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fats are those where each C atom attached to 4 carbon atoms. The most common are solid at room temperature and are relatively stable (not easily react with oxygen from the air). Saturated fatty acids are "guilty" of increasing cholesterol levels.
Sources of saturated fatty acids are:
- Animal food-red meat, liver, lungs, beef, lard, poultry meat (fat and shrimp), butter, milk, cheese and other dairy products that are made from whole milk. These foods also contain cholesterol.
- Foods of plant origin-coconut and palm oil, peanut butter.
Unsaturated fatty acids
Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids together form the unsaturated fatty acids.
The recommended daily intake of 10-15%
Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids
Unsaturated fatty acids have at least one unsaturated link, or at least a place where hydrogen can be added to a molecule. Most often found in liquid oils of vegetable origin.
Polyunsaturated oils are liquid at room temperature and in the cold (refrigerated). Easily oxidized in air.The best sources are sunflower, sesame, soybean and corn oil, nuts and seeds. Polyunsaturated fatty acids belong to the family of omega 3 and omega 6, depending on which C atom is the last double bond.
These include linoleic (omega 3) and linoleic (omega-6 fatty acid) and arachidonic. They belong to the essential (necessary in the diet because they can not be synthesized by the body and are needed for important functions). Arachidonic acid can be synthesized from linoleic, and is considered essential Optional (if enough linoleic will be manifested its deficit). Oleic can be synthesized from stearic acid is saturated.
Today, the omega-3 and omega-6 acids in the focus of scientific interest. As early as in 1970. was known to fishermen in Greenland, Alaska and Japan who eat oily fish from cold northern seas despite foods rich in fat or less suffer from cardiovascular disease. Previously it was thought that this is due to intake of omega 3 fatty acids, however the fish meat northern sea ice were found active metabolites of these acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) that increase the elasticity of blood vessels and inhibit platelet aggregation and have antiaritmicko effect. The mechanism of action is not fully understood, but is thought to be competitive linoleic linolenic swell with the delta desaturase enzyme which converts to DHA or EPA or arachidonic. If you have more arachidonic acid in the cell membrane creates thromboxanes, prostacyclins and leukokrerini acting unfavorably (narrowing of blood vessels vasoconstriction, increase platelet aggregation, etc.. Ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 before he was 1, 1, and today is 1: 25 should the ratio be 1:4 to 1:10. polinezsicenih role of fatty acids (especially linoleic l - 3 0Mega group is related to lower total and LDL cholesterol and / or trigliceridai and VLDL cholesterol particles in the liver and therefore has an important role prevent stroke and cardiovascular disease. Sources of omega 3 (linoleic acid): fish oil, fish from the northern seas, crab, flax seeds, green leafy vegetables and legumes. Sources of Omega 6 ie. linolenic acid is found in meat and vegetables and vegetable oils (sunflower, soybean, cotton seed) milk. They reduce cholesterol levels, and there was a widespread view that saturated fatty acids should be replaced by unsaturated. Later position revised as polyunsaturated fatty acids can act harmful if too many entries diet: reducing immunity carcinogenic effects, osteoporosis, cholelithiasis increased production of lipid peroxides and lower HDL cholesterol. daily recommended intake of polyunsaturated fat is now up to 10% (7-8%). Linoleic 1 g / day. Intake of omega 3 fatty acids in the form of capsules is not recommended. First DHA and EPA are not in them, and can appear dangerous bleeding (sprinkling of the blood vessels of the brain).
Monounsaturated oils are, also, liquid at room temperature, but refrigerate begin to thicken. Olive and avocado oil, peanut oil are rich sources of monounsaturated fatty acids.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids tend to protect the body from cholesterol. Lowers cholesterol levels and eliminate cholesterol deposits in the arteries. Recent studies indicate that monounsaturated fatty acids may, also, to lower blood cholesterol as long as diets low in saturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids can lower cholesterol, but of course, the food should not be completely ruled out saturated fatty acids. Poly and monounsaturated oils, and margarine from the oil, it should, in certain quantities replaced butter, lard (fat), toppings, sauces and fats that are saturated fatty acids.
Hydrogenated fats
When preparing food, fats can be subjected to the process of hydrogenation. Hydrogenation or addition of hydrogen, in the case of fatty acids means his translation of saturated fatty acids. Hydrogenation reduced the oxidative potential, ie. the air in less than rancidity occurs when liquid form.
Liquid oil, naturally rich in unsaturated fatty acids, various processes are translated into a more solid and saturated conditions. Such saturated conditions are found in many commercial products.
Many studies have shown that these fats increase blood cholesterol levels. Hydrogenated fats in margarine and other products are acceptable only if the product contains liquid oil as the main ingredient, while saturated fat must not contain more than 2 grams per tablespoon products. The fatty acid is usually prominent in many margarines.
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