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Young peas

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Young peas contains substances that help prevent cancer, cleanses the body from harmful substances, improving blood count

Because taste and medicinal properties, young peas is highly valued vegetables. It is grown in every corner of the globe, mostly in Russia, China, India and America, thrives best in a moist climate with the climate. Is rich in nutrients, vitamins, proteins, minerals, fructose and glucose. During germination it can synthesize vitamin C, a great source, and thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2) and niacin (B3).
It is an ideal food for people who are chronically tired and stressed, because it improves the immune system and restore vital energy. It strengthens bones and heart, prevents osteoporosis occurs. It contains substances that help prevent cancer, cleanses the body from harmful substances, improving blood count. Shell peas are harder to digest, so people who have problems with digestion, it is better to peel or mashed beans. In folk medicine, warm mash of ground peas is a traditional remedy for skin diseases, rashes and blisters.
To preserve the vitamins and minerals, it is best to store beans steamed or cooked in a covered pan with some water. Ten minutes is enough grain to soften and flavor will improve if his season with garlic, onion, celery and dill.

100 grams of peas contains: 81 calories, 78.86 g water, 5.42 g protein, 14.46 g carbohydrates, 0.40 g fat, 5.10 g fiber, 40 mg vitamin C, 0.17 mg vitamin B6 , 65.00 mkg vitamin B9, vitamin K 24.80 mkg, 244 mg potassium, 25 mg calcium, 33 mg magnesium, 1.47 mg iron, 108 mg phosphorus, 1.24 mg of zinc.

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