Artichoke (Cynara scolimus) considered the noblest among the vegetables. This biennial, and perennial often, about which our people are sufficiently aware, comes from the Mediterranean, where it is cultivated for centuries. From its ancient originals almost has not changed, as indicated in the drawings pharaohs tombs of ancient Egypt, where also considered delicious vegetables. It is grown mostly in the coastal regions of Italy and France, as well as on the shores of California.
Artichoke is a plant diet, rich in vitamins and minerals. Flowers from April to August, and harvested in June and July when mature flower heads. It is healing, but it is used for making medicinal preparations use only the leaves. Blue-violet and red-purple flowers that are used in the diet have no curative effect.
The leaves contain cinarin, specific flavonoid compounds, a number of hydroxy-acids. For its somewhat astringent and bitter taste of tannic acid is responsible. That is why before use should be boiled in salt water or lemon. However, it should be noted that its compounds are very sensitive to drying and decay, making the true effectiveness of preparations obtained from fresh plants. If you just have to be dried, then this process should be fast and at an elevated temperature.
Artichoke is rich in potassium and phosphorus, while the presence of calcium and magnesium more frequently than most other vegetables. Manganese has a special value because it is located in the cells of the liver, pancreas, kidney and bone, and participates in the synthesis of glycoproteins, as well as in the synthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids in the liver. It also has plenty of vitamins C, A and B group vitamins. It contains plenty of carbohydrates, a formidable amount of cellulose and minor amounts of fats and proteins. Healing herbs known for centuries, inspired particularly by a bitter compounds in the leaves and roots. For artichoke leaf extract has been confirmed to reduce blood cholesterol levels. They are also good diuretics and therefore is used in kidney.It is recommended, and cirrhosis of the liver, because it improves the flow of bile and liver function. It seems beneficial to the digestive system, eliminating heartburn, feeling of bloating, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Artichoke has powerful antioxidant effects, which effectively protects the liver from toxins and infections, and stimulates the regeneration of liver cells. Traditionally, the artichoke is used for cleansing the body.Treatment is usually carried out early in the spring, but after prolonged administration of drugs, which lasts three to four weeks. The aim is to facilitate the regeneration of the liver, which is loaded increased metabolism and excretion of drugs. It is recommended for people who are occupationally exposed to the negative impact of various organic solvents, varnishes, and people with allergic disorders, caused by a variety of ingredients in foods and other allergens. Helps older people especially with the appearance of uremia, poisoning and toxins that cause the body's own diseased kidneys or delay voiding. It is useful for diabetics and is low in sugar.
Artichoke is not recommended for nursing mothers, because adverse effects on the secretion of milk. Not recommended for people with or who had suspected the presence of stones in the gallbladder and bile duct blockage. The same applies to people with sensitive stomachs, a damaged liver or kidneys.
Preparations artichoke lowering high cholesterol levels in the blood by acting simultaneously on other important metabolic processes in the body. This herb lowers bad cholesterol and raise levels of good. This is achieved due pojačanbog secretion of bile, to which she also acts, in which liver increases metabolism by converting cholesterol into bile acids.
Unlike statin drugs, artichoke does not reduce cholesterol synthesis, but only increases its degradation. This mechanism is crucial in the final so-called reserve cholesterol transport, during which the organism solves his surplus. Hepatobiliary insufficiency or poor flow of bile, it is often overlooked problem whose consequences are bloating, constipation, problems related to digestion, and elevated cholesterol. Flatulence is generally manifests after eating.
While taking products based on artichokes, avoid cholesterol-rich foods like red meat, eggs, animal fats and refined vegetable oils. Artichoke is taken as a drink a month three times a day, and then once or twice daily as a "maintenance dose". There are tablets and effervescent tablets come in doses of 500 milligrams, which represent the pure extract of artichoke, and has enough to drink a day.
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